Cho Seung-Hui – Virginia Tech Massacre – Murderer Video

The multi-media tirade of Cho Seung-Hui, the individual who wreaked havoc on the VT Tech campus, sent to NBC . I stumbled on this while fishing around YouTube. My prayers are with the relatives of the victims of this tragic, tragic incident.

The best show from…in my opinion!

My mister sprinkles episode collection. Continue to check back as I keep it updated.

episode 1

episode 2

episode 4

This is great stuff…and all done in less than a week.

First real forage into music production

My first real forage into the world of music production. Below is a Remix I did of an old Jay-Z song. I paired the remix with the original music video and uploaded it to you tube…hope you like it. The remix was created from scratch in Reason 3.